Monday, April 2, 2012

Latina writer on domestic violence

     Sandra Guzman is the Former Latina Magazine editor-in-chief and author of The New Latina Bible.  Her book is about: dating, health, succeeding professionally, managing friendships and other things.  In an interview with Isarema Romero of Latina Magazine she was asked about her personal experience with domestic violence.
     “The experience helped me understand what women who are in a situation where there is verbal and physical violence are going through – to understand the embarrassment and the shame of it.  It was easier for me to understand what woman experience, and why they stay longer than they should. It’s about what’s happening inside their hearts and souls. I was very embarrassed for a long time. In fact, I write about (going to party) with a black eye and I was wearing a crazy patch on my eye. When I understood it had nothing to do with me, that is when I began to feel more empowered. The only thing it had to do with, is allowing myself to be in that position, and my vowing never to be in that position again. It is about self-love. Most of the violence that takes place in relationships is not physical. The extreme texting, “Where are you? Who are you with?” But, this is the truth and the fact of life for many young people. Eighty percent of the abuse that happens in relationships is verbal. We have to stop. Mujeres can be machistas too. This is a collective issue that we have to look at together, and work out together”.  

What do you think of her advice?

1 comment:

  1. I think that she is a example of woman for all latin woman,is a woman hwo teachen us how to value ourselves as woman,and defen ourselves against hte sexist men!!!
