Monday, April 23, 2012

US/Colombia relations made dirty over $47 argument

     President Obama’s trip to Colombia to a pan-American summit meeting may have been successful, except that members of the U.S. Secret Service and Military behaved like “ugly American tourists” before his visit.  Secret Service agents are responsible for protecting the President.  They arrived in Cartagena a week early to make security plans. They went drinking at the “Pley Club,” reportedly talked loudly about “working for Obama” and brought 21 prostitutes back to the Caribe Hotel. 
     The evening ended with a hostile argument when an agent refused to pay $47 to one of the prostitutes.  Obama blasted the agents, saying: “We are representing the people of the United States, and when we travel to another country, I expect us to observe the highest standards.”  11 agents and 10
U.S. Military personnel are being investigated in the incident.

-Daily Mail Reporter

1 comment:

  1. President Obama should have more control of the members of the U.S. Secret Service Military because they are responsible for protecting the President.
    President Obama should punish the agents, because the security of the President is always first and don't make this mistake.

