Monday, April 2, 2012

Super Heroes battle the MBTA

     An MBTA Finance Committee meeting was disrupted by “The Fast Five” superheroes.  The heroes took control of the meeting and transformed it into a “People’s Board” meeting.  They passed resolutions to protect all people who need public transit, a refusal to increase fares and cut services, and a discount for youths and seniors.
     “Thousands of riders have spoken against fare hikes and service cuts, yet the board, governor and Legislature have refused to take this burden off riders,” said one of the Heroes. “It’s time for us, as riders and superheroes, to step in and pass immediate solutions to save the T.  There’s still time for our officials and elected representatives to become heroes and save the T.”  Activist organization Alternatives for Community & Environment of Roxbury, has created the five “superheroes” to call attention to injustice of the MBTA’s budget plan.

Do you think these activists will be successful or are they ridiculous?

-Kasey Hariman, Back Bay Patch

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